
Rescued From Complete Darkness

I wanted a chihuahua to be a companion for my other dog, who has seizures and vision issues, thinking it might help her socialize better. I stopped at a house with a sign saying “Chihuahuas – $200.”

The lady showed me several long-haired chihuahuas, but I was looking for a short-haired one, so I was about to leave. However, she then led me to a dark closet where a white, short-haired chihuahua was lying on a pillow, covered in fleas and bed sores, with an eye injury. She had been kept in that closet after almost dying giving birth. The woman wanted to breed her no longer, so she was forgotten.

I took the chihuahua, named her Pinkey, and paid $200. At home, Pinkey was so gentle and kind, immediately bonding with my sick dog. She even took to my daughter like a mother, watching over everyone. She barked to alert us when my dog had a seizure and became the protector of our home.

Pinkey’s transformation was incredible. The vet eventually shut down the woman’s business, as it was clear she was operating an unethical puppy mill.

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