
Man Arrives At Work To Find Mysterious Bag On Door Handle

On a recent morning, Scott Lockard was on his way to open the adoption center at the Oklahoma Humane Society when he noticed a black bag tied to the building’s front door handle.

dog in bag
Oklahoma Humane Society

Approaching the bag, Lockard was saddened to realize there was a small brown dog inside. Luckily, the experienced animal advocate had managed situations like this before and knew exactly what to do.

“This wasn’t the first time I have arrived [at] the adoption center to find animals waiting there, so I can’t say I was super surprised,” Lockard told The Dodo. “I was happy to get her in and fed and watered, so I was mostly just thinking about getting the little dog comfortable.”

brown dog
Oklahoma Humane Society

Safe indoors, Lockard got acquainted with the pup.

“She was very nervous, but she seemed physically healthy and sweet natured,” Lockard said.

Lockard soon found a wet piece of paper inside the dog’s carrier. Opening it up, a small piece of the dog’s identity was revealed.

“[It] read, ‘Her name is Maris, find her a good home,’” Lockard said.

dog laying on back
Oklahoma Humane Society

Later, the humane society posted a picture of the dog to Facebook, hoping to raise awareness for the many homeless dogs in the area and the need for foster families.

“We didn’t post the photo to specifically call out the people who left the pet,” Oklahoma Humane Society marketing manager Roshelle Anderson told The Dodo. “But rather to bring attention to a greater problem facing our community.”

Little Maris is currently looking for a foster family of her own, and later a permanent family. With any luck, someday soon she’ll find out where she’s meant to be.

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