Off The Record
After I Saw The Baby My Wife Gave Birth To, I Was Ready To Leave Her — But Then She Said, “There’s Something I Need To Tell You.”
Marcus’s world falls apart the moment he sees his newborn. He is prepared to go since he believes his wife, Elena, has deceived him. Before he can, though, she divulges a secret that makes him doubt everything. Will love be sufficient to keep them together?
The day my wife revealed that we were expecting a child, I was overjoyed. We were eager to have our first child because we had been trying for a while. However, Elena dropped a bombshell one day as we were talking about the birth plan.
She said, “I don’t want you in the delivery room,” in a gentle yet forceful tone.
It seemed as though someone had punched me in the stomach. “What?” “Why not?”
Elena refused to look at me. “I simply must complete this task by myself. Please be understanding.”
I honestly didn’t understand. But I trusted Elena, and I loved her more than anything. I would respect it if this was what she needed. Nevertheless, that day, a small seed of discomfort germinated in my stomach.
That seed expanded as Elena’s due date drew near. The night before Elena’s scheduled induced delivery, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something significant was about to occur.