
Police seize pet dog in dramatic scenes leaving couple ‘devastated’

Terrified Dog Clings To Stuffed Elephant For Comfort While Waiting To Be Euthanized

Meet Smokey, a big softie who loves his stuffed elephant more than anything in the world. He got the toy when he was just a little puppy.

Even though he could have easily torn it to bits, Smokey was always super gentle with his elephant friend. He took it everywhere with him.

The special elephant with big floppy ears became his favorite thing ever. Smokey even slept with it every single night.

When Everything Went Wrong

Life was amazing for Smokey until his owner lost his job. The family started having money problems.

They tried moving to a smaller home, but still couldn’t make ends meet. Soon, they couldn’t even afford to feed poor Smokey.

“They tried even harder to find him a new home,” when they learned they were going to lose their house. But nobody they knew could take in such a big dog.

Finally, they made the super hard choice that broke their hearts. They had to surrender Smokey to a shelter.

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