‘The Voice’ Judges Think 14-Year-Old Kid Is Playing A Joke On Them When They Hear His Huge, Deep Voice
Blind auditions on The Voice create a mysterious atmosphere that always captivates the judges. The disparity between a contestant’s voice and appearance often surprises the judges. During his audition for The Voice: UK, fourteen-year-old Jacob Norton from Colchester, Essex, astounded all of the judges.
Despite his massive girth, Jacob’s singing voice has everyone in amazement. During his audition, Jacob decided to sing “Puttin’ On the Ritz,” Fred Astaire’s timeless hit. Because of Jacob’s deep voice, which made him sound much older than he actually was, the decades-old song was the perfect choice.
The coaches, Danny Jones, Will.i.am, and Pixie Lott, were taken aback by the abrupt, powerful voice that echoed behind them. They believed they were the target of a practical prank. Out of sheer curiosity, the three judges swiveled their chairs in anticipation of seeing the individual with this extraordinary voice. The crowd erupted in wild cheers as Jacob’s captivating performance got underway, and many got up from their seats to join in.
Jacob was thrilled when the judges approached him, but he maintained his composure and sang his song flawlessly. As the song gets closer to its halfway point, the tempo picks up, and Jacob takes full advantage of the chance to engage the audience. It was evident that both the judges and the audience were thrilled with his performance.
When Jacob’s audition is over, his demeanor instantly shifts from professional to eager childlike. He can’t help but jump up and down and cheer like a fourteen-year-old. The judges were so thrilled by his performance that they awarded him great points.
Pixie remarked, “Your voice has such a beautiful depth.” Whoa, I’m at a loss for words! I have never heard anything like it.
We’re all at a loss for words right now because that voice is so incredible,” Danny remarked. I think it’s fantastic, man.
Before choosing to be a member of Team Danny, Jacob carefully considers the three judges’ opinions. Jacob openly acknowledged having severe nervousness during the discussion. “But when I started singing, I just got into it; all I wanted was for at least one person to turn.” I was worried that I wouldn’t get anyone, so I was really surprised when I received three turns.