The Wonderful Benefits Of Kids Growing Up With Pets
Since the union of man and dog some 15,000 years ago, we’ve been raising babies alongside puppies.
A dog is a man’s best friend, but before “man” even comes into the picture, children make best friends with our canine companions too. There’s something about the pure joy, untainted by the trials of life that dogs have in common with babies.
Which is why there is nothing cuter in this world than dogs and babies having fun.
Watching a compilation of babies and dogs having a ball (sometimes literally) can be a cuteness overload.
We already know that the cutest sound in the world is the sound of a baby laughing, and it seems like the shortcut key for that reaction is to pair an adorable baby with an equally adorable pup. The relationship between dogs and children is that of mutual entertainment. Of being able to endlessly keep each other company and make each other laugh from nothing.